Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Contents References
Books & Magazines
New Catholic Encyclopedia
The Catholic Encyclopedia - Saint Roch
New Edge Mother Mary's Magazine
The Book of Saint Roch Church (on settle up new church)
The Book of 25 years of Saint Roch Church - 137 years of Catholic community
Telling Story
My Dad
(Adisak Pichaisrisawad)

Image References
Scan Images
Old photo album from the church
The book of Saint Roch Church
<Umax Astra Slim with true color 300 resolution, 48 bit 360~600 resolution>
Taken Photos
Victor Pichaisrisawad
<Kodak DC5000 Zoom Digital Camera with high setting>

Web Management
Web Design & Contents - Victor Pichaisrisawad
Co-Design - Wacharaporn Pungluk
Maintain -
Victor Pichaisrisawad
English Translator -
Victor Pichaisrisawad
Technical words consultant - Sister Pavinee Pichaisrisawad
Special thanks to Simon J. Fletcher, from Birmingham, UK.
The Web Editor on Javascripts and English version
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<< 1st time uploaded - August 3, 2003 >>

Copyright © 2003 Catholic Church of Saint Roch, all rights reserved.

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